

字号+ 作者: 来源: 2017-03-26

之前出现过的分布走势又出现了,东欧和非洲的公司看上去依旧便宜,中国的还是很贵。从营收比率来看,加拿大和澳大利亚的公司也进入了被高估的行列,大概是因为这些地域有大量的自然能源公司。 Pricing – Sector Di


  Pricing – Sector Differences


  All of the multiples that I talked about in the last section can also be computed at the industry level and it is worth doing so, partly to gain perspective on what comprises cheap and expensive in each grouping and partly to look for under and over priced groupings.

  The following table, lists the ten lowest-priced and highest priced industry groups at the start of 2017, based upon trailing PE:




  In many of the cheapest sectors, the reasonsfor the low pricing are fundamental: low growth, high risk and aninability to generate high returns on equity or margins. Similarly, the highestPE sectors also tend to be in higher growth, high return on equity businesses.I will leave the judgment to you whether any fit the definition of a cheapcompany.


  One comparison that you may consider making isto pick any multiple and trace how it has changed over time for an industrygroup. Isolating pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies in the UnitedStates, for instance, here is what I find when it comes to EV to EBITR&Dfor the two groups over time:




  You can read this graph in one of two ways. If you are a firm believer in mean reversion, you would load up on biotech stocks and hope that they revert back to their pre-2006 premiums, but I think you would be on dangerous ground.

  The declining premium is just as much a function of a changing health care business (with less pricing power for drug companies), increasing scale at biotech companies and more competition.


  Rules for the Road

  1. Absolute rules of thumb are dangerous (and lazy):


  The investing world is full of rules of thumb for finding bargains. Companies that trade at less than book value are cheap, as are companies that trade at less than six times EBITDA or have PEG ratios less than one. Many of these rules have their roots in a different age, when data was difficult to access and there were no ready tools for analyzing them, other than abacuses and ledger sheets.In Ben Graham's day, the very fact that you had collected the data to run his "cheap stock" screens was your competitive advantage. In today's market, where you can download the entire market with the click of a button and tailor your Excel spreadsheet to compute and screen, it strikes me as odd that screens still remain based on absolute values.

  If you want to find cheap companies based upon EV to EBITDA, why not just compute the number for every company (as I have in my histogram) and then use the first quartile as your cut off for cheap. By my calculations, a company with an EV/EBITDA of 7.70 would be cheap in the United States but you would need an EV to EBITDA less than 4.67 to be cheap in Japan, at least in January 2017.




  2. Most stocks that look cheap deserve to be cheap:


